Friday, April 27, 2012

Nature Strikes Back: Jellyfish-Type Organism shuts down CA Nuclear Plant

Jellyfish-Like Organisms Shut Down California Power Plant

gty salps dm 120426 wblog Jellyfish Like Organisms Shut Down California Power Plant                                                                                               
The workers of the Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant received a very slimy surprise this week when they discovered hoards of jellyfish-like creatures clinging to the structure, leading to the shutdown of the plant.

The organisms, called salp, are small sea creatures with a consistency  similar to jellyfish.

The influx of salp was discovered as part of the plant’s routine monitoring system, according to Tom Cuddy, the senior manager of external and nuclear communications for the plant’s operator, Pacific Gas & Electric.

“We then made the conservative decision to ramp down the affected unit to 20 percent and continued to monitor the situation,” Cuddy said. “When the problem continued, we made another conservative decision that it would be safest to curtail the power of the unit.”

The salp were clogging the traveling screens in the intake structure, which are meant to keep marine life out and to keep the unit cool.

“Safety is the highest priority,” Cuddy said. “We will not restart the unit until the salp moves on and conditions improve. No priority is more important than the safe operation of our facility.”

The plant consists of two units. Unit 1 was shut down previously because of refueling and maintenance work and will not be functional for several weeks. Now that Unit 2 has been shut down because of the influx of salp, the plant has ceased all production.

Even with the Diablo Canyon plant out of commission, PG&E has pledged to continue production using other sources of power so that customers are unaffected by the closure.

“We’ve had salp cling to the intake structure before, but nothing to this extent,” Cuddy said.

The plant’s strategy? Simply wait until the salp move on and resume production once the filters are clear.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Security Cam Footage of Real MIB taken on 04/22/12

NASA's SOHO Project Films a UFO

Did Nasa satellite capture giant UFO surfing the hellish surface of the sun?

  • Object sems to be alien 'craft' with jointed metal arms
  • Appeared in footage from Nasa's sun-watching SOHO satellite
  • UFO-watchers hail find as evidence of alien 'visitors'
By Rob Waugh

A strange object flying close to the sun looks unnervingly like a huge, metallic 'mothership' familiar from Hollywood blockbusters.

The picture was released by Nasa's sun-watching Solar and Heliospheric Observatory, known as SOHO - and has become an immediate cult hit on the internet.

UFO fan site Gather News said: ‘An unusually shaped, gigantic UFO was spotted on the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) and posted in a video on YouTube.

Scroll down for video
UFO fan site News Gather said: 'An unusually shaped, gigantic UFO was spotted on the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) and posted in a video on YouTube.'  

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

CONFIRMED: Planetary Resources HQ in Bellevue, WA World's First Asteroid Miners

(Apparently they envision sending robot miners out into space within the next 2 years, and extracting resources like water and platinum to bring back to Earth within a few years after that. Certainly a huge step into the future no matter how you look at it.),2817,2403469,00.asp

Asteroid Mining Base Planetary Resources, the asteroid mining venture backed by director James Cameron and other well-know investors, was officially announced on Tuesday. The company plans to launch exploratory spacecraft within two years and could be extracting valuable materials from visit near-Earth asteroids a few years after that, according to its founders.
"This company is not about paper studies," said Eric Anderson, who co-founded Planetary Resources with fellow commercial spaceflight advocate Peter Diamandis. "It's not about thinking and dreaming about asteroid mining. There's plenty of talking. This is about doing. We'll create robots that go into deep space and mine asteroids. We're not going to talk about it, we're just going to do it."
The company will be headquartered in Bellvue, Wash., Anderson said during a press conference announcing Planetary Resources held at Seattle's Museum of Flight. Chris Lewicki, president and chief engineer of the asteroid mining firm and formerly NASA's Mars mission manager, said companies like Planetary Resources could help turn Seattle into the "Silicon Valley of Space."
Planetary Resources plans to go after water, precious metals like platinum, and other materials found on nearby asteroids in three phases. The first phase will be to launch a series of Earth orbiting space telescopes to scope out suitable mining targets among what's believed to be millions of near-Earth asteroids measuring 50 meters or greater in size.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

New Non-Annihalable Elementary Particle Discovered

(Zeno's Paradox: You will never find the smallest building block of matter because the nature of existence is that of fractal infinity. You can keep zooming in smaller and smaller past the quantum, past the planck lengths, and there will still be structures built of smaller structures built of smaller structures...)

The researchers think they have created majorana fermions, which have identical antiparticles but which don't annihilate each other, at the ends of a nanowire device, shown here with orange balls.
The researchers think they have created majorana fermions, which have identical antiparticles but which don't annihilate each other, at the ends of a nanowire device, shown here with orange balls.

An elusive particle that is its own antiparticle may have been found, and, if confirmed, would be the first time a phenomenon predicted decades ago has been seen in a
real system.

Some researchers suggest that in the future, this mysterious particle called a Majorana fermion could be useful in carrying bits of information in quantum computers.

In a paper published in the journal Science Thursday, Vincent Mourikand Leo P. Kouwenhoven said they were able to make the Majorana fermions appear by exposing a small circuit to a magnetic field.

Planetary Resources: Earth's First Asteroid Mining Corporation?

(What do James Cameron, Larry Page/Eric Schmidt[Google Co-founders], Charles Simonyi[Architect of MS Office], and Ross Perot, Jr. all have in common? Well it appears they all have their pretty little fingers in the final frontier of mineral mining. With their backing, Planetary Resources will be formally announced on April 24 at the Boeing Museum of Flight in Seattle, WA, and tickets are available sold out, but apparently the event will be streamed online. See the bottom of the article for more details )

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Mysterious, Green, Whale-Sized Object Crashes Into CT Lake

(Both a motorist and a CT State Trooper 10 miles from one another reported the same sighting that occured around 2 am. A whale sized object that was glowing green plummeted into Bantam Lake near Litchfield, CT. After making a couple passes in a boat and not seeing any debris, the investigation was immediately abandoned and left unsolved. 

Go home folks. Nothing to see here.)

Authorities in northwestern Connecticut say they didn't find anything after a state trooper and another person reported a large object falling out of the sky in Litchfield.

The Republican-American of Waterbury reports ( ) that a person driving in Litchfield at about 2 a.m. Tuesday reported that a green, glowing object the size of a whale fell from the sky and crashed into Bantam Lake

Officials say that at about the same time, a state trooper 10 miles away in Warren called dispatchers to report that something fell out of the sky and landed near Bantam or Morris.

Morris firefighters made several passes up and down the lake in a boat looking for a possible plane crash, but didn't find any debris.

Authorities called off the search, leaving the mystery unsolved.

19 Things That The Talking Heads On Television Are Being Strangely Silent About

19 Things That The Talking Heads On Television Are Being Strangely Silent About
 Michael Snyder, Contributor
Activist Post

If the talking heads on television don't tell us about something that happens, does it make that event any less real?  Of course the answer to that question is quite obvious, but unfortunately way too many Americans allow their realities to be defined by what they hear from the mainstream media.

Way too many people use phrases such as "if that was true I would have heard about it on television" to deflect conversations that are starting to become uncomfortable.

Critical thinking is a skill that is in short supply in America today, and most Americans seem content to let their televisions do their thinking for them.  Sadly, the pretty people on television do not spend a lot of time talking about the things that are truly important.  Instead, they love to talk about the latest celebrity scandal and they love to divide people into groups and get them fighting with one another.

In this day and age, it is absolutely critical that we all learn to think for ourselves.  The talking heads on television are concerned with keeping their bosses happy and with keeping the ratings up.  Most of them are not really concerned about what happens to you.  They just want you to keep watching them so that they can continue to earn their inflated salaries.

Unfortunately, most Americans seem perfectly content with the "infotainment" that they are getting from the major news networks, so major changes to the mainstream media are not likely to happen any time soon.

For those wanting something different, you will have to seek out alternative sources of news (such as this website) that are willing to discuss the truly earth shattering events that are continually taking place all over the globe.

Walter Russell's Home Study Course (Unit 2 of 12)

(For those who have completed Unit 1, or are just interested in reading ahead, here is Unit 2 of the Home Study Course.)

Walter Russell's Home Study Course - Unit 2 - Lessons 5,6,7,8

Sacred Geometry & Unified Fields - Nassim Haramein

(Full 90 Minute Video from the 2010 Nexus Conference Lecture. Excellent and thought-provoking information presented in a relatively easy-to-digest manner.)

Vortex-Based Mathematics: 2010 TED Conference

(Quite an amazing video, especially given the mainstream exposure and reverence given to speakers at TED conferences. This comes from work derived from Marko Rodin's discovery of intelligent, structured patterns in numbers themselves, specifically dealing with single digits 1-9, and how the natural structure of numbers relates to the blueprints of vortexes/toroidal spheres, and in turn, the nature of oneness.)

Bye Bye Fed: Commercial LIens Filed against all 12 Federal Reserve Banks

  (David Wilcock has just posted this legal notice of liens filed against all 12 Fed Banks. According to Wilcock's Pentagon insider Drake, this is one of the events that brings all of us one step closer to the mass arrests we've been hearing about.)
A Security (15 USC)
A USSEC Tracer Flag
Not a point of Law
Affidavit of Obligation
Commercial Lien

(This is a verified plain statements of fact)


All men and women know that the foundation of law and commerce exists in the telling of the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
Truth, as a valid statement of reality, is sovereign in commerce.
An unrebutted affidavit stands as truth in commerce.

An unrebutted affidavit is acted upon as the judgment in commerce.
Guaranteed---All men shall have a remedy by the due course of law. If a remedy does not exist, or if the existing remedy has been subverted, then one may create a remedy for themselves -- and endow it with credibility by expressing it in their affidavit.

(Ignorance of the law might be an excuse, but it is not a valid reason for the commission of a crime when the law is easily and readily available to anyone making a reasonable effort to study the law.)

All corporate government is based upon Commercial Affidavits, Commercial Contracts, Commercial Liens and Commercial Distresses. Hence, governments cannot exercise the power to expunge commercial processes.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Build Your Own Healing Device: Georges Lakhovsky and the Multi-Wave Oscillator

(The man was on to something. His Multi-wave Oscillator has established on many multiple occasions its capacity to heal the human body simply by bringing it back into energetic alignment. For around $100 in materials, you can build your own. The original patent is posted beneath the first article. Let's start circumventing our hospital system/insurance corp. super-conglomerates and return to healing ourselves energetically. Note: Multi-wave Oscillator = Radio-Cellulo-Oscillator )

Radio News (February 1925, pp. 1382-1283)

"Curing Cancer With Ultra Radio Frequencies"

by Georges Lakhovsky

Since November 1923, I have published in various technical and radio publications, several papers in which I explained by theory that the instinct or special feeling, which permits birds to direct themselves in space, is only the results of the emission and reception of rays by living beings. 

Before & After Treatment W/ Multi-Wave Oscillator (MWO)
While developing this theory, I explained how thoroughly I was convinced that science will discover, some day, not only the nature of microbes by the radiation which they produce, but also a method of killing disease bacilli within the human body by means of the proper radiations.

The researches I have made by means of special apparatus have shown such results, that I believe my theory is correct. This theory is that life is born from radiations, kept going by radiation and suppressed by any accident producing the destruction of the oscillator equilibrium, especially by the radiations of certain microbes, which suppress those of weaker cells.

Walter Russell's Home Study Course (Unit 1 of 12)

(For those who don't know of Walter Russell, he is reputed to have as great a knowledge of the spiritual aspect of existence/reality as Nikola Tesla had of the scientific aspect. Tesla even went so far as to write a letter to Russell after being sent his first work, The Universal One (1927). In the letter, Tesla urged Russell to lock up his knowledge in a safe for 1,000 years until man was ready for it. For those who feel ready for it now, here is Unit 1 of Walter Russell's Complete Home Study Course.)

The Complete Home Study Course was written to extend knowledge embodied in The Russell Cosmogony of Science and Consciousness (A New Cosmology Of The Universe - In Its Totality), for use by ordinary people in daily living, self-empowerment, and spiritual development. It presents Universal Law, Natural Science, and Living Philosophy as an integral unified Whole, the knowledge and understanding of which lead to personal empowerment in the co-creation of one’s own life and destiny.

Walter Russell's Home Study Course - Unit 1 - Lessons 1,2,3,4

Consciousness Is Fractal

  (A very good exploration into the nature of consciousness, and the empowerment of a fully-awakened consciousness.)

Consciousness Is Fractal and Exponential in Nature: The Journey into the Dialectical, Expansive Human Consciousness and More Energetic States of Being

(By Landon S. Larkey)


It was 1988 and I was an interior communication specialist in the United States Navy. I was on board the USS Tarawa and we were going on a West Pack (a West Coast Naval exercise). Our unit was combined with the electrical division, and there I befriended a sailor who worked as an electrician. He was non-conformist, which in the rigid Navy world was quite an oddity; I loved to hear his point of view on reality that was often “off the beaten path,” so to speak. At this same time I was also having marital problems of my own and he was a self-proclaimed ladies’ man, even having written a book on pick up lines.

Anyway, we were assigned to be the DCPOs (Damage Control Petty Offices) within our division, where we were in charge of maintaining ship integrity by making sure the vents, doors, and other particulars around the ship were operating properly.

On our off time we would write songs, play our guitars, and talk about the meaning of life. He would dive into deeper ways of hooking up with girls while I would talk about deeper ways of understanding our relationship with GOD. He was truly an innovator and ahead of his time. Yet, he was in conflict with himself because he knew on a deeper level that his focus was wrong, even though he would get mad at me sometimes when I would point that out. Being in a troubled marriage and away from my wife for nine months weighed heavily on my state of being. I wanted to find out the meaning of why I was feeling this way, why I was so troubled by the fact that my wife just wanted to expand her experience by loving other people, which was a good thing in theory but still was hurting me.

On The Verge Of Free Energy For The Masses

(Could this technology be the energy crisis solver that finally delivers free energy to everyone on Earth? Seems to corroborate the Wilcock/Fulford/Drake angle quite well.)

Plasma fusion becomes a reality?

Published: 3 April, 2012, 01:51
Edited: 3 April, 2012, 01:51

Scientists in a New Jersey laboratory say they are close to a major breakthrough in the field of fusion that they predict will soon allow for an unlimited source of the cheapest, cleanest and safest energy ever.

Researchers at Lawrenceville Plasma Physics in Middlesex, NJ have published the results of their recent work in the Physics of Plasmas journal last week, and expect one of their next rounds of testing to finally tackle an issue of energy procurement that would rival anything already available.

World Seismographs Going Crazy Right Now

(I've never seen so many different locations around the world display such dense seismograph charts.)

LISS - Live Internet Seismic Server

GSN Stations

These data update automatically every 30 minutes. Last update: April 12, 2012 13:50:51 UTC
Seismograms may take several moments to load. Click on a plot to see larger image.

CU/ANWB, Willy Bob, Antigua and Barbuda

 ANWB 24hr plot

CU/BBGH, Gun Hill, Barbados

 BBGH 24hr plot

CU/BCIP, Isla Barro Colorado, Panama

 BCIP 24hr plot

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

4/9/12 UFO Over St. Petersburg - 4 Different Cameras

("Apparently thousands of people in St. Petersburg personally witnessed this phenomenon only 2 days ago. It has been captured from 4 different cameras. Greatly reduces the chance that this is a hoax. I believe it's some of the best and most conclusive footage out there. We are not alone. We never were.")

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The Smoky God - A Voyage To The Inner World

("One of the many mystical accounts of the Agarthans, this one written in 1908. Definitely worth the read.")
The Smoky God

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Operation Northwoods

("Proof that plans were in the works in the 60s for the US Government to murder its own citizens, blame it on terrorists, and use the incident as a justification for war. Hmmm, that sounds eerily familiar to a certain event that occurred a little over a decade ago.")

Operation Northwoods was a 1962 plan by the U.S. Department of Defense to stage acts of simulated or real terrorism on US soil and against U.S. interests and then put the blame of these acts on Cuba in order to generate U.S. public support for military action against the Cuban government of Fidel Castro. As part of the U.S. government's Operation Mongoose anti-Castro initiative, the plan, which was not implemented, called for various false flag actions, including simulated or real state-sponsored acts of terrorism on U.S. and Cuban soil. The plan was proposed by senior U.S. Department of Defense leaders, including the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Lyman Louis Lemnitzer.


Terence McKenna - The Purpose of Psychedelics

THRIVE: The Complete Documentary

("Now available for everyone in the world to view for free.")

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Activating The Pineal Gland

("I've heard of many positive results with this method or some variation of this method. Give it a try and comment on your experiences/results.")

I came across this today and Started it. It was simple enough. The pitch that worked for me was an A (440 hz or 338 hz) which is the note associated with the Third eye chakra.
I used the online guitar tuner for the pitch

If you resonate with it feel free to have a go with it!

Opening the Third Eye is directly related to the 6th chakra; the psychic chakra, located on the middle of the forehead above the brows. It is closely associated with the "pineal" gland. The pineal gland is dormant in most people, as is the true 3rd eye. French Philosopher Rene Descartes believed the pineal gland to be "the seat of the soul" where mind and body met.

In the average person, the pineal gland is atrophied and dormant. The following exercise will change that. Please read this thoroughly, as much of the exercises I write of are very advanced and can cause problems if one does not do them correctly.

The pineal gland is like a grape in size; like a raisin in most people where it remains dormant.

Opening the third eye/pineal gland:

This is done with a specific tone and chant. You only need to do this exercise for 3 days, afterwards, it is permanent.

UFO Sighting in Queens Neighborhood

A Corona, NY, witness reports watching more than five lights moving in a "constant circular pattern for approximately an hour" while they expanded in size just after 12:30 a.m. on April 3, 2012, according to testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

The witness was outside walking a dog when the lights came into view.
"The light was bothering my eyes," the witness stated. "I couldn't see anything and I just looked up. As I did I was astonished and could not believe what I was seeing. I saw approx five-plus lights in a constant, circular motion hovering above me with the blue background and no clouds covering it."

The witness described the lights.
"It was small in diameter and would remain in a circular motion and these lights would come together to one large circle, then again spread out into these separate individual lights. It was an unusual pattern and I tried to identify what it was."

The witness is used to seeing lights from common objects from a nearby airport.
The witness became frightened and ran home, but looked again at the object before going inside.
"It literally moved from its stationary spot hovering right above the three-story, residential building that I live in. I ran up the stairs and woke up my family to look outside."

Mass Arrests: The Drake/Wilcock Interview Transcript

("This is only an excerpt of the first part of the transcript of the 3 hour Drake/Wilcock interview. To read the rest of the interview(and believe me, it's worth reading), please visit . Thanks to DW for his ongoing effort in defeating the dark side and keeping the rest of us abreast of any and all new developments.")
DAVID WILCOCK (DW): Hello. This is David Wilcock. You're listening to a Divine Cosmos audio blog. Today's date is, let's see ... the 28th of March. It's a Wednesday. It's 6 p.m., Pacific Daylight Time.
I'm here with a remarkable new whistleblower who has just come forward. His name is Drake. That's what he's going by.
I contacted him because I have been covering this story about pending mass arrests.
You have to understand the scope of what we're talking about here. We're not talking about 10 people, 20 people.
We're talking about a systematic, potentially world-wide effort -- although most of these conspirators are in the G5 countries, so I've heard.
[The G5 countries are the US, UK, Germany, Italy, France.]
This is a very wide-spread effort to effectively give us, as a planet, a massive dose of antibiotics -- against an infection that has been threatening to almost completely destroy its host.
The host would be the Earth and its people; the animals, the plants, the trees and everything.
DW: Drake came along on the Internet recently. I was sent an email by him, announcing that he was going to have some radio shows.
But, when the email first passed by my desk, I didn't quite catch the impact of what it was saying.
Up until now, the only people who have really been reporting on these pending mass arrests whatsoever have been Benjamin Fulford and myself.
In both cases, we have, together and independently, sets of contacts, some of which are deeply embedded within the Pentagon, who have reported to us that this is VERY REAL.
In fact, I had heard from an off-the-book source -- this is not somebody who's gone public at all -- that this had been sparked by 9/11, to a large degree.
Many people in the military realized that they were not in the chain of need-to-know.
This was not Arabs with box cutters that caused these buildings to fall into their own footprint.
If that could happen -- if kerosene can melt steel -- then every kerosene heater ever built is a massive hazard; but yet they're all sitting there just fine.

The Downfall Of Mainstream Media

("It's about time. We've all chucked enough spears in to the side of the MSM beast to bring it down, and now we're finally witnessing the fruits of our labor.")

March 29, 2012

In the last few years the people of the world have witnessed and been a part of a mass awakening of humanity on a level never seen before.

The people are no longer standing idly by as the powers that be further seek to control every aspect of their lives.

A major part of this mass awakening has been the revelation that the corporate controlled media has literally served the military industrial complex for at least the last 20 years.

As advertisers and readers flock to the alternative media, the old dinosaur media continues its downhill plunge with CNN leading the free fall.

This fact was solidified by the recent release of the March and Q1 cable news ratings which showed CNN down a total of up to 50% and a downhill turn by all three cable news networks.
An article released on these numbers by TVNewser outlined the new ratings:
CNN bore the brunt of the downward trend the news networks experienced this month and for much of the first quarter, when compared to the busy first few months of 2011. For the month of March, CNN was down -50% in total viewers and down -60% in A25-54 viewers (Total Day).

Although overall net traffic was down up to 21%, the fact remains that the alternative media continues their upward trend while the corporate funded lapdog media continues to plunge into oblivion.

When you consider that stations such as CNN and Fox News are receiving millions and millions of dollars of corporate advertising revenue yet failing to expand, the reality of the continual mass awakening that we now find ourselves in becomes much clearer.

News outlets that continue to server the new world order will soon be the thing of the past as real media finally breaks through the once rock solid stranglehold the powers that be have had on the media.

Could Ancient Aliens Live On Methuselah Planets?

The announcement of a pair of planets orbiting a 12.5 billion-year old star flies in the face of conventional wisdom that the earliest stars to be born in the Universe shouldn't possess planets at all.

12.5 billion years ago, the primeval universe was just beginning to make heavier elements beyond hydrogen and helium, in the fusion furnace cores of the first stars. It follows that there was very little if any material for fabricating terrestrial worlds or the rocky seed cores of gas giant planets.
ANALYSIS: Most Ancient, 'Impossible' Alien Worlds Discovered

This argument has been used to automatically rule out the ancient and majestic globular star clusters that orbit our galaxy as intriguing homes for extraterrestrials.

The star that was announced to have two planets is not in a globular cluster (it lives inside the Milky Way, although it was most likely a part of a globular cluster that was cannibalized by our galaxy), but it is similarly anemic as the globular cluster stars because it is so old.

This discovery dovetails nicely with last year's announcement of carbon found in a distant, ancient radio galaxy. These findings both suggest that there were enough heavy elements in the early universe to make planets around stars, and therefore life.

Clintonville, WI booms caught on tape by Audio Engineer

("The most conceivable scenario could be the destruction of underground cabal strongholds much in the same fashion as the VA quake of 08/23/11. They even mention several times that the noise sounds more like multiple underground explosions than the official USGS explanation of a 1.5 earthquake.")

Noise sounds more like an underground explosion than an earthquake
Paul Joseph Watson
Friday, March 30, 2012

An audio engineer has captured on tape the sound of one of the mysterious booms that have been plaguing Clintonville over the last two weeks, and the noise sounds more like an underground explosion than an earthquake.
video platformvideo

The sound was recorded by audio engineer Brian Sullivan.
“The first night, no luck. But, Sullivan said he captured a boom from this past Saturday, one minute before 4 a.m. It’s short, but it sounds like a boom,” reports 790 KABC.

Billionaires Should Be Allowed To Buy Up E.T. Real Estate

("This story is a laugh and a half, and a perfect example of the type of thinking that is dying out and being replaced by the exponential influx of light-filled minds and souls occupying the majority of Earth's population. The industrialists and billionaire's have already messed this planet up pretty severely. What's next on their agenda? Why do it to other planets, of course!")

Billionaires should be allowed to BUY up planets and rip up an out-of-date space treaty, claims expert

By Rob Waugh

Private companies should be able to buy land on The Moon or other planets for tourism, mining or even to sell property, a space policy expert has said.
Rand Simberg said that if governments started to provide property rights then entrepreneurs and billionaires might pile in and invest - and added that the 'time is ripe'.
He has proposed a law that would circumvent the 1967 Outer Space Treaty, which states no individual or government can have sovereignty over any body in space.

Was George H.W. Bush Involved In Assasination Of JFK?

("I've always had an inclination that the character of Cigarette Smoking Man from the X-Files was loosely based on George HW Bush. What's interesting is that one of the episodes from the series shows CSM firing the shot that killed Kennedy from a sewer drain hole along Dealey Plaza. Artists often use lies to present a greater truth.")

by Jim Fetzer and John Hankey

Perhaps the strongest case implicating George H.W. Bush (#41) in the assassination of JFK (#35) has been presented by John Hankey, an independent student of the crime, who has produced several documentaries laying out the case against him, the latest of which is “The Dark Legacy”. John has become very controversial, especially on the basis of attacks launched against him by an organization called “CTKA”, which has published a severe critique authored by one Seamus Coogan.

While I do not believe that Hankey has everything right–in particular, his skepticism about the identity of a man seen standing in front of the Texas School Book Depository does not appear to be justified nor do his doubts about Fletcher Prouty’s identification of USAF Gen. Edward Lansdale in a photograph of “the three tramps”, which was confirmed by no less a personage than Gen. Victor Krulak, former Commandant of the Marine Corps, where other photos show the same man having walked up to George H.W. Bush, which, ironically, is about the strongest possible confirmation of Hankey’s thesis that anyone could want–he has been on the right track.

Lansdale was famous in the CIA for his skill at arranging assassinations, where many of us believe that he organized the actual execution that took place in Dealey Plaza.

David Wilcock's 3-Hour Drake Interview from 03.28.12

("Insider information on the mass arrests planned to occur in the not-too-distant future. I'll be posting as much MSM evidence to corroborate this claim over the coming days and weeks.")

The Backster Effect - The Consciousness of Plants

By: Tattvic Jedi

Cleve Backster, a pioneer in the use of the polygraph machine, conducted an experiment in the 1960s in which a measured change in the GSR(galvanic skin response) of a plant connected to polygraph electrodes was observed by Backster. The remarkable aspect was that Backster was able to effect this response simply by visualizing in his mind threatening the plant with harm, such as picturing walking into the other room where matches were located, and visualizing lighting one and attempting to burn the leaves of the plants.

Amazing as it sounds, merely intending to burn the plant was enough to observe a spike in the plant's GSR. The following is a ~7 min video of Cleve Backster stating his findings:

More recently, the movie Avatar tried to expose this information on a massive level in the various scenes where both the scientist's observations and the indigenous knowledge of the Na'vi  state the connection between all living things on Pandora, akin to the synapses between neurons.

An even more remarkable video I have just recently come across shows that not only is there a measurable living energy coming from vegetative life, but that some plants(and possibly all) are capable of producing signals that are interpreted as melodious, harmonic music, capable of modulating tempo and key changes.

This video comes from Damanhur, France, but is an english-speaking video.

I fully believe we are undergoing a paradigm shift where this "pseudoscience" will become well-known common knowledge. Remembering our connection and oneness to all living things is one of the first steps in humanity recovering the knowledge of it's divinity.

Giant Solar UFO: VIDEO

("Very interesting video. This was caught on one of the NOAA satellites during the first week of March this year. Some have suggested what is being viewed is a magnetic filament detaching from the sun. I say show me all the other NOAA solar videos where instances of this phenomenon has occurred, and I'll consider it. Up until that point, I'm siding with the [as of right now] 286 Likes vs the 25 Dislikes.")

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Sacred Geometry: A Simple Overview

Sacred Geometry

Sacred geometry involves sacred universal patterns used in the design of everything in our reality, most often seen in sacred architecture and sacred art. The basic belief is that geometry and mathematical ratios, harmonics and proportion are also found in music, light, cosmology. This value system is seen as widespread even in prehistory, a cultural universal of the human condition.

Encounters With Aliens in A Mystery School Text

by John Lash

from MetaHistory Website
Here and there the Coptic Gnostic materials contain passages that describe encounters with the ET-like beings, sometimes with explicit advice about how to handle these entities.
  • What beliefs are implied in such testimony?
  • And what are we to believe about such testimony?
I will attempt to address both these questions in this brief topical essay.


Occult Instruction

For a first-hand look at the testimony, let's consider a passage from The First Apocalypse of James (NHC V, 3), a revelation dialogue in which an unnamed teacher (the "Lord" or "Master") confers secret knowledge upon a Gnostic named James:
The Master said:
James, behold, I shall reveal to you the path of your redemption. Whenever you are seized and you undergo death-pangs (mortal fear), a multitude of Archons may turn on you, thinking they can capture you. And in particular, three of them will seize you, those who pose as toll collectors.

Skywatch Tonight: Venus Invades The Pleiades

Venus Invades the Pleiades

April 2, 2012:  Watch out Seven Sisters, Venus is coming.
This week the second planet from the sun will pass directly in front of the Pleiades star cluster. It's a rare sunset conjunction that's easy to find with the unaided eye, but best seen through binoculars or a small telescope.

Venus Pleiades (splash)
Venus approaching the Pleiades on March 31st, photographed by astronomy professor Jimmy Westlake of Stagecoach, Colorado.

The action begins on Monday evening, April 2nd, when Venus enters the outskirts of the little dipper-shaped asterism. Look west at sunset for Venus--it's the brightest thing around--then scan the area using binoculars. The conjunction will be immediately clear. The best evening to look is Tuesday, April 3rd, when the brilliant planet glides just south of the dipper's bowl. Venus exits by the handle on Wednesday, April 4th.  Venus passes through the Pleiades in this way about once every 8 years.

Meditation Strengthens The Brain

("The title says it all.")

(BeWellBuzz) Meditation is a century’s old practice of relaxing the mind, improving thought power and exercising both the body and soul. Meditation comes down through so many religious beliefs as well such as Buddhism and Hinduism. It can also be termed as a global practice because it is common within all religion, countries and cultures.

What exactly is meditation anyway?

According to Rob Nairn (the author of the book ‘What is Meditation?’) : “It [Meditation] is a highly alert and skillful state of mind because it requires one to remain psychologically present, and with whatever happens in and around one, without adding to or subtracting from it in any way.”

Science and Meditation

So many scientific experiments have been carried out for years to find out the influence ‘Meditation’ has on the human brain.

World Bank chief backs BRICS bank idea

("More behind-the-scenes developments in preparations for the new financial system coming online in the weeks ahead.")

BOAO, China: Outgoing World Bank president Robert Zoellick on Tuesday gave his backing to a new development bank proposed by the leaders of the BRICS emerging countries.
Zoellick said the World Bank would be prepared to work with the new financial institution, which was discussed by the leaders of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa when they met in New Delhi last week.

While the plans are still in their preliminary stages, such a bank is seen as a potential counterweight to other multilateral lenders such as the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank.

“As a general principle if the BRICS countries want to develop it we would work with it,” Zoellick told the Boao Forum in southern China, according to a transcript posted on the meeting’s website.

“We work with the regional development banks, and I have created a series of partnerships with these banks that are likely to be similar to the BRICS bank in that it will probably be more of a financing vehicle than a knowledge and experience vehicle.”

Last week’s BRICS summit was the fourth since the bloc was formed in 2009.

Temporary outage of Visa card network Sunday

 ("Could this be a real world indication of the impending changes to be made to the global financial network? Very suspect to happen so soon after David Wilcock's new article with Drake on the imminent mass arrests and economic restructuring to take place, in addition to the 4th Annual BRICS Summit in New Dehli on 03/29/12 announcing plans for a BRICS -backed Bank to compete with the waning World Bank")

WASHINGTON (AP) - A technical problem affecting the Visa network barred some people around the United States from using their credit and debit cards for about 45 minutes on Sunday, the company said.
 The outage was caused by a recent update Visa has made to its system, said Visa Inc. spokeswoman Sandra Chu. She said Visa had trouble processing some transactions as a result, but the system is operating normally now. Chu said the problem Sunday was unrelated to the security breach potentially affecting Visa and MasterCard customers that was reported Friday by credit card processor Global Payments Inc.

The outage occurred from around 2:40 p.m. to 3:20 p.m. EDT, a person from a major bank said. The person spoke on condition of anonymity because bank employees were not authorized to speak publicly. Visa had notified the banks that are members of its network of the problem.

Consumers and merchants reported having Visa cards rejected on Sunday. At the Shoot Smart gun range in Fort Worth, Texas, manager Jared Sloane said credit and debit transactions stopped working early in the afternoon. Sloane said a few customers walked out when told they could only pay with cash or check, but otherwise the problem wasn't yet much of a disruption. Shoot Smart said problems with transactions were persisting at about 6:40 EDT. Chu said Visa's system was fully up and operational.

UFO Encounter Revealed After Almost 40 Years By Ex-Military Pilot

UFO Encounter Revealed After Almost 40 Years By Ex-Military Pilot: Exclusive
On the night of Feb. 6, 1975, Marine Reserve Squadron Capt. Larry Jividen was piloting a T-39D Sabreliner (see image above) combat trainer and utility aircraft with five Naval officer pilots on board for a special training flight. He didn't know the evening would evolve into a game of "tag" with an unidentified flying object.

Jividen hasn't spoken about that experience from nearly 40 years ago -- until now.
The nine-year Marine Corps captain -- and later commercial airline pilot -- had taken off at twilight for a two-hour roundtrip that began and ended at the Naval Air Station in Pensacola, Fla.

"At about 9 o'clock, we were descending from a high altitude -- around 33,000 feet -- and I looked off to the right side of the airplane where I saw a solid red light at our 1:00 o'clock position and altitude," Jividen told The Huffington Post.

"It was not flashing like normal anti-collision lights flash on airplanes. I thought it might be some other traffic, but I wasn't sure, so I called Pensacola Approach Control and said, 'Understand we're cleared for the approach, but we have traffic off to our right, and who's first for the approach?"

The traffic that Jividen and the other five crew members saw was mutually described as "a solid, circular object about the relative size of a kid's marble held at arm's length," Jividen recalled.