DAVID WILCOCK (DW): Hello. This is David Wilcock. You're
listening to a Divine Cosmos audio blog. Today's date is, let's see ...
the 28th of March. It's a Wednesday. It's 6 p.m., Pacific Daylight Time.
I'm here with a remarkable new whistleblower who has just come forward. His name is Drake. That's what he's going by.
I contacted him because I have been covering this story about pending mass arrests.
You have to understand the scope of what we're talking about here. We're not talking about 10 people, 20 people.
We're talking about a systematic, potentially world-wide effort --
although most of these conspirators are in the G5 countries, so I've
[The G5 countries are the US, UK, Germany, Italy, France.]
This is a very wide-spread effort to effectively give us, as a planet,
a massive dose of antibiotics -- against an infection that has been
threatening to almost completely destroy its host.
The host would be the Earth and its people; the animals, the plants, the trees and everything.
DW: Drake came along on the Internet recently. I was sent an email by him, announcing that he was going to have some radio shows.
But, when the email first passed by my desk, I didn't quite catch the impact of what it was saying.
Up until now, the only people who have really been reporting on these pending mass arrests whatsoever have been Benjamin Fulford and myself.
In both cases, we have, together and independently, sets of contacts,
some of which are deeply embedded within the Pentagon, who have reported
to us that this is VERY REAL.
In fact, I had heard from an off-the-book source -- this is not
somebody who's gone public at all -- that this had been sparked by 9/11,
to a large degree.
Many people in the military realized that they were not in the chain of need-to-know.
This was not Arabs with box cutters that caused these buildings to fall into their own footprint.
If that could happen -- if kerosene can melt steel -- then every kerosene heater ever built is a massive hazard; but yet they're all sitting there just fine.
DW: Something is going on here. People know about it. They're scared of it.
And, in what I call the Sheep Effect, they feel that if they keep their head down, then the wolf won't know that he's been spotted.
The sheep who's dumb enough to look up and stare the wolf in the eye is going to make him charge. That's the one who ends up dying.
I'm not afraid of death. Neither is Drake.
He's here, and he has put a public face behind something that, up
until now, has sounded like two guys stroking their egos -- trying to
say something that makes everybody feel good, but has no teeth behind
[to Drake] And now, here you are. I want to hear what you have to say.
Why don't you tell us a little about yourself and how you got into all this? [Sound of an elephant roar]
DRAKE (DK): [laughs] What I'd like to do ... in conjunction with that is let people know what we're not.
DW: Okay, great.
DK: This will give everybody a better idea as to what's going on.
DW: Oh, I'm sorry, one more thing I should point out is that I called you the other night. We spoke for ... 4 hours and 22 minutes is what the phone said when I hung it up.
DK: [laughs]
DW: I called you jointly with one of my very senior top
insiders. You will now be able to vouch that you spoke to him, and how
amazing that discussion was.
More importantly, I've trusted him, built it up over years, and he vetted you out.
He actually identified dozens of specific points you said that are not
on public record, that you could not have known unless you are the
bonafide, authentic, real deal.
I wanted to make that point first.
DK: Cool. [laughs]
DW: So, some disclaimers you said you have to give us here. What are you not?
DK: You know, uh ... [takes a breath] there's a ... [sighs] a
boat-load of people who would like to jump on the bandwagon and get
whatever they can get in terms of snatching names or name-dropping, that
sort of thing.
They post a website with a certain name, and everybody gravitates to
it because of this or that. Whether it's selling anything or not doesn't
seem to matter, basically.
I want to make this absolutely clear. There’s a thing out there [on the Internet] called nation-states.
The project we [originally] undertook falls under the definition of what a nation-state is -- in terms of sovereignty.
However, there is no such thing as nation-states. It does not exist. There is nothing by that name from us. Okay?
DW: Okay.
DK: Without affiliation, there is even less.
Any of the websites out there that say nation-states is probably somebody trying to either sell a widget or build up their importance.
Or, they’ve got an ego problem -- or they want to take issue with what we are about.
DK: We do not have a group. There is no group. There are several groups, but no main group.
There's no leader. And we don't have a database that we keep on
anybody. Most of the people are anonymous, in that we do not know
exactly all of the people involved in this.
Primarily, this was a project given to us -- and I'll explain the parameters of it in a minute.
The process was, at first, an accident in some ways. The information I
contributed originally came over a radio show where I complained about
Somebody took notes, tried it and it worked. We'll cover a little of that in just a minute.
The only basic thing that we've done is a notification process that was defined by the basis of lawful notification of a nation-state, its existence and the proclamation of that to the world.
DW: The idea behind doing this is ultimately for sovereignty and freedom.
DK: Exactly.
DW: For actual states in the United States, as well as for individuals in the United States.
DK: Exactly.
DW: Okay.
DK: There are several things that go into this. We're not affiliated with the White Knights, Gate Keepers. It's just us.
And we, as I said, don't even know everybody involved.
DW: Neither do I. It's funny because another contact I have was demanding that they be put in touch with this group. [DK laughs]
And I said: Look. I only have two points of contact with this group. Well, okay, three, but nobody wants to say anything.
The amount of information I've gotten has just been in little bitty trickles.
But nonetheless, if you add up what the trickles are saying, this is
an incredible, incredible story of what's getting ready to happen here.
Some of the things you were saying on the other radio show about how much has already been moved into position and how much is ready to go right now -- it's astonishing.
I want people to hang in there, because right now we're going through
some of the bookkeeping that has to done to build up to this.
But, once we get to the main thrust of this story, it's absolutely amazing. So, please, go on.
DK: Okay. If somebody wants to know about what we're doing and
they would like to listen to the radio programs which are archived, they
need to go to Freedom Reigns.
That's F-R-E-E-D-O-M, just like freedom. Reigns is R-E-I-G-N-S dot US.
That website has been put up to alleviate us having to repeat
ourselves, and the extraordinary glut of letters filling up the mailbox
and this sort of thing -- so we have time to do what we're needing to
DK: There is one stipulation in this, and I want to make this
absolutely clear. We do not have anything to do with R.A.P., RuSA, which
is Tim Turner's group. His people...
DW: Restore America Program [R.A.P.] is what you're talking about, right?
DK: Uh ... yeah.
DW: Okay.
DK: If you go on the website, there are exposures for that group.
DW: Yeah. I was just going to say, the name 'Tim Turner' seems
to be popping up in my mind because I think someone wrote an expose’ on
him recently, didn't they?
DK: Yes. One of our principals has an extraordinary library of
things that out the group as to what the people in charge were doing, or
what they intend to do.
The ultimate goal was to literally arbitrarily create their own government -- and put it in place.
Tim Turner has declared himself as a, quote: “savior,” “god,”, or whatever.
All funds collected in the country were to go to him personally -- among other things.
And it gets worse from there. I'm not going to get into the details.
DW: Wouldn't this also serve the function of owning the opposition? Flushing out the people that really want to do something, and making them think that...
DK: I'm pretty sure that that's probably what the idea was.
DW: Okay.
DK: There're several of these types of operations. I call it the cabal.
DW: Right. And one of the main reasons why I'm confident that you're not one of those is I vetted you out with someone who has impeccably proven trust over years of time.
The degree to which we validated you was vast. It encompassed over four hours of discussion. So, I do not consider that you are in that group.
I have to keep my thinking cap on as you're talking.
I have to remember that one of the epidemics we have on the Internet
right now is people who think they're smart just because they disagree
with every single thing they hear.
They believe that every single thing they hear must be a lie -- and must be the opposite of truth.
It's very difficult to counteract that, because it's a knee-jerk
response that people have had due to the extent to which they've been
lied to.
I know that you're not lying, because ... first of all, your words resonate to me as truth.
And second of all, I proved that you're telling the truth in a multiplicity of ways in this conversation that we had.
So, please, go on.
DK: I thank you for that.
DW: Sure.
DK: I want to tell everybody who listens to this or reads it --
and I understand it's going to be transcribed -- do your own research
and homework, please.
Go to freedom; F-R-E-E-D-O-M. Reigns; R-E-I-G-N-S dot US. Put it in your search engine.
And the website that that contacts run through to the group and things
that we get -- our radio show, this sort of thing -- is all there.
If you need further questions, ask the webmaster. We will see what we
can do about supplying an answer to it. Now, basically this is the
prelude to what exactly went on.
Uh, you want me to go into that now?
DW: Well, actually, let's talk about underwater basket-weaving. That might be a little more interesting.
DK: [laughs] I have trouble holding my breath that long.
DW: [laughs]
DK: [laughs] Um...
DW: No. I mean, this is what we're here for, right?
DK: Yeah.
DW: I've heard from my own sources that there is an absolutely vast
amount of incriminating evidence that has been collected that will
bring down whatever you want to call them -- the New World Order, the
Illuminati, et cetera.
You gave me some very specific information about how much of that
evidence exists. I don't know whether that was public or not, so I'm not
going to say more right now.
You also have given much more specific information publicly than what I've heard privately.
You have fleshed this thing out into a three-dimensional entity that has gone way beyond the point of a speculative what-if, and into: Okay. This is a vast operation.
They've been building up to it for a long time. It's extremely clever
and it's extremely intelligent how it's been put together.
It has been calculated for maximum effect and maximum success. And there's a great deal of coordination that will be involved.
DW: I think that probably one of the main things that needs to
happen, and why they asked you to come forward, is we really need to
help the public know that this is not another silly New World Order
martial law takeover.
This is what, obviously, certain disinformation outlets are going to try to spin this as once it happens.
But this is in fact the saving of the planet. And it's the
military, as you were saying, not following unlawful orders -- and
actually living up to their Oath of Enlistment.
It says right in the Oath that every soldier has to swear to, before
God, that he will defend and protect the United States against all
enemies -- foreign and domestic.
DK: That's the United States Constitution.
DW: The Constitution. That's right.
DK: You are right about this.
DK: I came up above the radar by accident. But, nobody else was
putting out any of the basis of the plans involved, nor the level at
which this is actually coming from.
Consequently, I felt it my patriotic duty to at least lay out some of the basics.
Now, some detail I cannot go into, and won't go into.
If we reach a certain level, I'll say: No. We can't talk about that.
And we can go on to another subject.
DK: The basis for this is that I learned how to walk point in
Vietnam. So, shooting at me does not do a lot of good -- other than to
really upset me.
This is for the simple fact that in Vietnam, every time we sat to eat, we'd get shot at.
Scooping your food off of the ground ain't no fun. It's crunchy, among other things. [DW laughs]
It really does things to me when somebody shoots at me. So that's not something I recommend.
DW: My father voluntarily enlisted in the Army Reserve and
served our country in Vietnam. He was actually one of the only
journalists over there reporting on, among other things, the
rock-and-roll movement and Woodstock.
So, he was sort of like one of the Good Morning Vietnam people. [DK laughs]
He did get PTSD. I had kind of a rough childhood because, in a way, it
was like having a drill sergeant for a father. [DK laughs]
That's sort of the aftermath of how Vietnam has impacted me. I just turned 39 years old.
I have every degree of respect and admiration for your service. I thank you for serving this country.
DK: You are very welcome.
DK: The basis of this is two-fold. I learned how to walk point.
And now, my goodies are above the radar. So, I got put in the open for
two reasons.
One, I felt it my patriotic duty to try to inform the people as to what is really going on -- so that they don't have to listen to a bunch of idiots on the Internet spouting off whatever kind of imaginary stuff they come up with.
People do not need to listen to those bad dreams. That's primarily what they are.
Most of it is propaganda, and most people don't know what the word propaganda means. In Spanish, they put it on trash cans, because that's where it goes.
DW: [laughs]
DK: Everybody needs to get their heads wrapped around this.
DW: I call it fear porn.
DK: Yeah.
DW: I coined that term because I believe that people read
this and get addicted to it, because it physiologically stimulates you
in the same way that sexual material does.
It actually makes your heart rate go up; your breathing rate goes up. You get a high off of being terrified.
DW: Unfortunately, the Powers That Were, as I like to call them... [DK chuckles] ...have very effectively manipulated that human response.
You have entire outlets of alternative news that, as you just said,
have built themselves and have profited extensively off of the
undeniably pessimistic view they keep having.
It's almost impossible to listen to them.
When folks like you get on there, who have a positive message, you
just come against this incredible wall of negativity and fear, and just
... absolute denial that anything good could be coming out of all this
stuff that's going on in the world.
I do believe that good people have seen what's going on. They're rising up and they're not going to take it anymore.
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