Thursday, April 5, 2012

The Backster Effect - The Consciousness of Plants

By: Tattvic Jedi

Cleve Backster, a pioneer in the use of the polygraph machine, conducted an experiment in the 1960s in which a measured change in the GSR(galvanic skin response) of a plant connected to polygraph electrodes was observed by Backster. The remarkable aspect was that Backster was able to effect this response simply by visualizing in his mind threatening the plant with harm, such as picturing walking into the other room where matches were located, and visualizing lighting one and attempting to burn the leaves of the plants.

Amazing as it sounds, merely intending to burn the plant was enough to observe a spike in the plant's GSR. The following is a ~7 min video of Cleve Backster stating his findings:

More recently, the movie Avatar tried to expose this information on a massive level in the various scenes where both the scientist's observations and the indigenous knowledge of the Na'vi  state the connection between all living things on Pandora, akin to the synapses between neurons.

An even more remarkable video I have just recently come across shows that not only is there a measurable living energy coming from vegetative life, but that some plants(and possibly all) are capable of producing signals that are interpreted as melodious, harmonic music, capable of modulating tempo and key changes.

This video comes from Damanhur, France, but is an english-speaking video.

I fully believe we are undergoing a paradigm shift where this "pseudoscience" will become well-known common knowledge. Remembering our connection and oneness to all living things is one of the first steps in humanity recovering the knowledge of it's divinity.

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